Names :
Eng.: Hairy Purple Trumpet Flower
Taxonomy :
BN.: Argyreia pilosa Wight & Arn., Nova Acta Phys.-Med. Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 18(1): 356c (1836).
Syn.: Ipomoea pilosula J.R.I.Wood & Scotland, Nat. Plants 5(11): 1136-44 (Suppl.: 30) (2019).
Family: Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory family) (ref.)
Pronunciation :
अर्जिरीया पिलोसा (कॉन्व्हॉल्व्हुलेसी)
Etymology :
Argyreia: From Greek 'argyreios' (silvery) refer. to silvery shining leaves. (ref.)
pilosa: From Latin 'pilosus' (hairy) refer. to hairy habit. (ref.)
Distribution & Habitat :
Endemic to forests of Western Ghats, India.
Description :
Habit: creeping climber.
Leaves: heart-shaped, ovate with prominent purplish nerves, underside dull greyish-blue.
Inflorescence: axillary, capitate clusters.
Flowers: purple-pink, funnel-shaped, 5-petalous.
Fruits: berry.
Flowering & Fruiting :
August to November.
References :